Your service as a reservist in Fort Lauderdale affords you the unique opportunity to both…
Most people desire to work and support themselves. However, some obstacles make it difficult for…
Rules about lunch and meal breaks vary from workplace to workplace, or even from state…
Disparate impact in Florida occurs when the business practices at your place of employment, or…
As a new mother in Fort Lauderdale, you no doubt cherish those first few months…
There will almost always be some amount of trepidation when you start a new job…
As a worker in Florida, you may be aware of a movement to increase the…
Everyone speaks a bit differently. Whether you come from the Deep South, the Bronx, middle…
Sexual harassment impacts people in more ways than one. Even if your workplace has sufficiently…
The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) provides unpaid leave to workers for medical issues…
I offer free initial phone consultations for all legal matters. I invite you to schedule your assessment today
by completing my online contact form or by calling my Lighthouse Point office at 954-651-9196.