While many companies in Florida and across the country have expressed their commitment to diversity…
Succeeding in today’s workplace is challenging enough without having to worry about discrimination based on…
Florida residents and others over the age of 40 are generally covered by the Age…
Research indicates that workers in Florida and elsewhere may not take kindly to being criticized…
Despite the many legal workplace protections, too many workers continue to face discrimination in Florida…
Many in Fort Lauderdale define a workday as beginning at around 9:00 a.m. and continuing…
An employee’s pay plays a strong part in determining the quality of life that the…
When one experiences sexual harassment in the workplace in Fort Lauderdale, it can easily feel…
At-will employment is in place to benefit both workers and employers. It means that employers…
The #metoo movement has shined light sexual harassment in the workplace. While people are acutely…
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