You work in a real estate office and consistently rake in the sales awards. But…
The Family and Medical Leave Act is an important act that offers unpaid, job-protected leave…
As a company that employs workers, you have to follow both state and federal law…
If you feel that you’re being discriminated against on the job, then one of the…
Not all workplace sexual harassment happens in person. It can also happen online. In today’s…
There are many details and legal concerns that a new business owner has to address…
You and your best buddy from college have a great idea for a fledgling business.…
You were having a day out with friends when you tripped and fell. As a…
Are individuals who have attention deficit disorder (ADD) or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) entitled…
Workplace sexual harassment has negative implications for everyone involved. The victims of sexual harassment often…
I offer free initial phone consultations for all legal matters. I invite you to schedule your assessment today
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