You’re an hourly worker, and you are paid for any time you spend on your…
In a rare show of bipartisanship, the U.S. Senate passed legislation this month that prohibits…
The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) established the right of workers to take unpaid…
In Florida, most employees are employed at will. It means that your employer can fire…
Many businesses have strict policies intended to keep their workers from stealing from them. Companies…
As an employer, you need to effectively communicate certain information to your employees. Employee handbooks…
Other people’s conduct can make your job unpleasant or even unsafe. Sexual harassment is a…
Employees have a legal right to have a workplace that’s free of harassment, discrimination and…
As a business owner, when do you have the right to refuse service to a…
Women are generally at a disadvantage in many workplaces even though there are laws that…
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