
What is quid pro quo workplace sexual harassment?

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What is quid pro quo workplace sexual harassment?

Quid pro quo sexual harassment happens when someone in a position of power in a workplace asks for sexual favors in exchange for something like a promotion, raise or job security. This form of workplace harassment can create a hostile work environment and affect your career progression and mental well-being.

Here is how it works. Your boss may coax you into going on a date or doing something sexual in exchange for a promotion. If you refuse, they might threaten to demote you, give you poor performance reviews or even fire you. This type of harassment can make you feel uncomfortable, powerless and anxious about your job. Fortunately, the law is on your side. Quid pro quo sexual harassment is illegal. If you experience this kind of mistreatment, you have legal rights and options to address the situation.

Take these steps to assert your legal rights

The first step you should take is to document the harassment. Keep records of any conversations, emails or other interactions where the harassment occurred. This documentation can serve as evidence beyond your word of mouth.

Next, report the harassment to your company’s HR department or another appropriate authority figure and present the evidence you have gathered. They are required to investigate your complaint and take action to stop the harassment.

If the harassment continues or is not adequately addressed internally, consider exploring other options, like pursuing a legal claim against your employer. You may be entitled to damages for harm caused by the harassment, as well as for any lost wages or other benefits if you were demoted or fired for not giving in to the other party’s sexual advances.

Learning more about your legal rights and having qualified legal assistance can help you understand your options and build a solid case to protect your interests.

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