Independent contractors have become increasingly important to businesses of all kinds, and many cannot operate effectively without them.
However, you don’t want to make the mistake of misclassifying an employee as an independent contractor. That can end up leading to an audit and – quite easily – fines and other problems with the Internal Revenue Service.
The differences between the two can be hard to suss out, even for an experienced business operation. It doesn’t help that state and federal laws don’t always agree. In general, you can differentiate an employee from an independent contractor using three basic questions:
When you try to parse out the difference between a worker and an independent contractor, mistakes can be costly (if not outright disastrous). Having regular legal guidance can help you set policies in place that will protect your company and eliminate a lot of confusion.
I offer free initial phone consultations for all legal matters. I invite you to schedule your assessment today
by completing my online contact form or by calling my Lighthouse Point office at 954-651-9196.