While it may seem like a situation that will never happen to you, wage theft is more common than you may realize. In fact, it costs honest Americans the money they have worked hard to earn every year.
Do you think you have been a victim of wage theft? Do you want to be sure? If so, you must learn more about it.
One of the first things you should do if you believe you have been a victim of wage theft is to review your pay stubs. Look at the hours you worked compared to what you were paid. If something doesn’t add up, you should speak to your employer first.
Employers may try to “cheat” workers out of pay they earned by not adding overtime pay to their checks. If an employee works over 40 hours per week, they are entitled to receive 1.5 times their normal wage. If this is not added in, it’s considered wage theft.
It is not legal for your employer to request that you work off the clock. Your employer is also legally required to pay you for all your work. This is another form of wage theft that occurs in Florida and around the country.
If you believe you are a victim of wage theft, it’s best to act as soon as you notice. While you can start by speaking to your employer about the situation, this may not result in the outcome you were hoping for. At this point, you may have to take other steps to recoup the wages that you earned and were not paid.
I offer free initial phone consultations for all legal matters. I invite you to schedule your assessment today
by completing my online contact form or by calling my Lighthouse Point office at 954-651-9196.