You could become a victim of workplace sexual harassment at any time. Should this happen, it is the steps that you take afterward that will keep you safe and protect your legal rights.
Here are some of the most important steps to take as a victim of sexual harassment at your place of employment:
When you take these steps as a victim of workplace sexual harassment, you will feel better about your ability to put an end to the problem, while protecting your legal rights.
If you do not get the satisfaction you are looking for from your employer, consider other options. You may want to file a formal complaint with your state and/or the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.
There is nothing to feel bad about if you are the victim of sexual harassment at work. You were put in a bad spot by another person, so take steps to protect yourself and your legal rights.
I offer free initial phone consultations for all legal matters. I invite you to schedule your assessment today
by completing my online contact form or by calling my Lighthouse Point office at 954-651-9196.