
Study finds 61% of U.S. workers encounter discrimination

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Study finds 61% of U.S. workers encounter discrimination

Approximately three out of every five employees in Florida and throughout the U.S. have suffered or witnessed workplace discrimination based on age, gender, race, sexual orientation or gender identity, according to a new survey. The survey, entitled “The 2019 Diversity and Inclusion Study,” was conducted by the Harris Poll and published by Glassdoor.

The survey questioned over 1,100 U.S. workers about their experiences with discrimination in the workplace. In addition, several thousand workers from the U.K., France and Germany were asked about the same issues. The poll found that 61% of American workers reported experiencing or seeing others experience some form of on-the-job discrimination. Meanwhile, 55% of U.K. workers, 43% of French workers and 37% of German workers reported the same.

Around 42% of American workers in the poll said they have seen or experienced racism in the workplace, which was the highest percentage of all countries surveyed. Meanwhile, 45% of American workers and 39% of U.K. workers said they have witnessed or suffered ageism, making it the top form of discrimination for both countries. In comparison, 30% of workers in France and 24% of workers in Germany said they have seen or experienced gender discrimination, making it the most common form of discrimination for those countries. The authors of the study said that employers must do more to combat discrimination and create diverse and inclusive work environments.

An employment attorney might be able to help Florida workers who have suffered any form of workplace discrimination, including bias based on race, gender, age, color, religion and more. After reviewing the details of the case, the attorney may suggest taking legal action. For example, it may be advisable to file a complaint with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, which could lead to a settlement for damages.

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